
Hive Cancer Support started in Derry’s Bogside & Brandywell and now extends beyond the Derry City and Strabane District Council area.

Our community-based approach to helping those living with, and after Cancer, remains the same.

We offer a diverse range of welcoming support groups, fostering a safe and inclusive space for all.

We believe in embracing everyone with open arms, ensuring a sense of belonging and understanding, creating spaces where individuals can find comfort and connection. 

If group settings are not your preference, we also provide alternative support options to ensure everyone can access the help they need.

You are not alone on your journey, and we are here for you every step of the way.

Click the links to learn more about our support groups.


We provide support to women affected by a Cancer diagnosis. Through coffee mornings, monthly meetings, and social outings, we give people a chance to connect over shared experiences. For those in need of extra support, we have befriending and listening ear services, a bra fitting service for those affected by breast cancer, as well as counselling and complementary therapies.

Contact: Michelle McLaren


We provide support to men affected by a Cancer diagnosis. Through coffee mornings, monthly meetings, and social outings, we give people a chance to connect over shared experiences. For those in need of extra support, we have befriending and listening ear services, and can help you avail of counselling and complementary therapies.

Contact: Martin Mullan

HUGS: Carers

The HUGS (Help Us Get Stronger) Carers Support Group was established in recognition of the vital role played by carers in our communities. HUGS support carers to look after their own health and wellbeing so that they can continue to care for others. For those in need of extra support, we have befriending and listening ear services and can help you avail of counselling and complementary therapies. We are also proud to be the voice of carers in the community and advocate for their rights.

Contact: Edele Harkin