Our ‘Better Together’ cross border event, showcased to guests the holistic interventions that we offer, in addition to our support services and programmes.

We were also really proud to showcase our education offering, with female cancer awareness, male cancer awareness, ‘reduce your risk’ and children’s ‘reduce your risk’ sessions which are available in both Irish and English.

Our Ballymagowan allotment volunteers spoke about their experiences and how the allotment has benefited them in many ways. All our members are welcome to pop up to this beautiful space, connect with nature and lower their stress levels.

If getting your hands dirty growing organic pesticide free fruit ‘n’ veg isn’t your thing you can enjoy the peaceful views over our beautiful city or have the craic with our allotment volunteers (and the craic with that crew is fierce!).

Guest enjoyed a SingTonicity session, which uses singing and breathing techniques to boost well being is just one initiatives we can bring to communities to help look after mental health.

The ‘Better Together’ project is run in partnership with Triax Neighbourhood Management Team.
