Author: Hive Cancer Support

Breast Cancer Awareness 2024 🥰

Hive Cancer Support gathered at Free Derry Corner for the unveiling of our new Breast Cancer Awareness Month campaign poster featuring a powerful image of our member, supporter, campaigner and friend Theresa Kelly.

We were joined by our members and Theresa’s family and friends to celebrate her.

Theresa had this portrait taken as part of the ‘Seen to be Heard’ exhibition by Belfast photographer Jennifer Willis, which features women with secondary breast cancer to raise awareness and lobby for greater services.

Last October we brought the exhibition came to Derry as part of our Breast cancer Awareness month programme. When it came to choosing a strong and thought provoking image this beautiful image of Theresa came to mind straight away.

We are so grateful that she agreed to let us use it and to Jennifer for letting us feature it in the poster.


Childrens Cancer Awareness 🌙💛

Children’s Cancer Awareness Month Fun Day

We marked Children’s Cancer Awareness Month with a fun day held at the Waterside Shared Village.
Our ‘Hive of Happiness’ was a great success and helped families who weren’t aware of our services to get in touch and begin to access support.
The kids had a fab day taking part in a range of fun activities including educational games from our ‘Reduce Your Risk’ workshop, dance taster sessions, a fun farm, sun safe story telling, singing, caricatures from Barry McGowan Art and fabulous henna tattoos from Sharika.
We’ll also have fun fruit kebabs and DIY healthy pizzas!

World GO Day

Cold Water Dip for World Gynaecologic Oncology Day.

Team Hive and our supporters took to the cold waters of Ludden beach in September to raise awareness of World Gynaecologic Oncology Day.

This annual cold water dip happens all over the world to draw attention to Gynae Oncology issues.

It certainly got the blood pumping!

It was a great event and an issue very close to our hearts.

Childrens Cancer Awareness

The sun shone for the launch of our brand new Children’s Cancer Awareness Month campaign at Free Derry Corner in September.

It featured beautiful Derry girl Kari Barrett who had a rare form of cancer as a young child but is now cancer free.

Kari was last photographed for us when she was 7 and she is now 12 years old.

Local photographer, Neil McLaughlin did a brilliant job of capturing her at both ages.

We were delighted to officially launch our new poster with the help of Kari’s mum Lorraine, dad Kevin and her grandparents Margaret & Bertie, and Frankie.

It was lovely to see how proud they are of this very special girl.

We’d like to say a huge Hive thank you to Kari & her family for their continued support of our work & our annual Children’s Cancer Awareness Month campaign.

Breast Screening

Action Cancer Big Bus at the Gasyard Centre


We were delighted to welcome the Action Cancer Big Bus to the Gasyard Centre at the end of August.

This was a great opportunity for people to get free health checks and mammograms.

Action Cancer provide and invaluable service and it was an honour to host them.

The mammogram service is free of charge and available every three years to women aged 40 to 49.

The Big Bus travels to 200 locations throughout Northern Ireland annually.

FestHIVEal 2024

‘FestHIVEal’ family health event at part of Feile ‘24

In early August we hosted our big ‘FestHIVEal’ as part of the Feile festival.

This family fun day was a great opportunity for people to learn about the connection between the environment, exercise, nutrition, physical/mental wellbeing and health.

We also brought taster sessions of our Children’s ‘Reduce Your Risk’ workshops which use fun, interactive games to educate children on ways to stay healthy and protect the environment.

We were very lucky that the sun shone for this brilliant day- buzzing!!